Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Intercepted Houses and Planets in Astrology, Linked Houses

Well, it has been over a year since I opened this blog, but all I have done with it thus far is posted it's chart like a hit and run!  When I look at the chart, the first thing I see is that houses 10 and 4 are intercepted.  House interceptions are not super common.  They indicate blockages.  House 10 is all about one's standing in the world, sometimes referred to as the house of career.  In this chart, we also find Uranus in house 10, so this planet would also be considered to be intercepted.  So here we have all these interceptions: Uranus intercepted, the sign Aries intercepted, and all this occurs in the 10th house.  Further, the Sun  and also Saturn are intercepted in House 4. The fourth house is the house of the home, and because this is a blog inception chart, I guess the blog is the home in question.  perhaps. The intercepted sign in house 4 is Libra.  The Sun is intercepted in this house within Libra, and Saturn is at 0 degrees Scorpio.

I venture to say these factors are reason for the delay in posting at this astrology blog!

I looked in my favorite general astrology book, Alan Oken's Astrology, for his take on this and was surprised to see that he does not even discuss this subject.  I did find a nice discussion in The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 2.  I definitely recommend this book, as it is a thin volume but touches on a great many points concisely. There is a lot of information, but the authors understand brevity and do not waste words.  I bought this volume to learn the actual mechanics and math of chart erection, as I had been using computer programs to do so first.  The second half of the book covers some less basic, more advanced issues in chart interpretation and delineation, including many invaluable tips.  I want to get Volume 1 and Volume 3 in this series as well.

The points made in the book are that intercepted planets may have trouble expressing their energies, and that the houses in which interceptions occur are complicated, as they include parts of 3 signs.  The ruler of the intercepted sign is the coruler of the house.  So the 10th house in the blog chart is ruled by Neptune (the ruler of Pisces which is on that house cusp), and co-ruled by Mars, the ruler of Aries.  Conversely, the 4th house is ruled by Virgo's Mercury, and co-ruled by Venus.

What might these intercepted planets in the blog chart indicate?  According to this book, Uranus intercepted denotes a timidity of expression- which certainly has applied in the extended delay in posting!  Further, Sun intercepted "suggests you could be under restraint, especially in the early years of life," and that "Often there is the feeling of some lack...and it may be harder to relate to others."  Again, a reason for the delay; I am only a student and so do feel reluctant to pontificate much on matters I do not fully understand!  But perhaps the answer to this dilemma is found in the interpretation for Intercepted Saturn, which these authors state "confers great sensitivity to other people's problems and an uncanny knack for solving them."  They say that "there is a tendency to hold back," and advise to "develop your outer expression to enable yourself to take risks and achieve your goals."  And so, posting here begins!

 Another issue occurs in such charts, is that of house linkages.  The fact of the interceptions sets up a condition in the chart that in some other houses will be linked together due to having the same sign ruling their cusps.  In this chart we have houses 8 and 9 linked with both cusps being in Aquarius, and houses 2 and 3 linked with Leo ruling both cusps.  This happens because the intercepted signs do not rule any house cusps.  So you can see why these energies, in this case Libra and Aries, and the Sun and Uranus, have a delay in expression.

Also according to Marion March and Joan McEwers in the Only Way to Learn Astrology, a possible meaning for the linkages of house 2 and 3 could be: earning a living through communication.  And linkage between houses 8 and 9 could indicate "a great affinity for, or teaching, the psychic, mystical, or occult!

I have also done some web searching to see what some of my favorite astrologers have to say about such intercepts, and I found a great list of cusp sign/ intercepted sign and interpretations at Lynn Koiner's site.  She posits that intercepted planets and houses can show a tendency for physical problems to manifest.  Her words for the interception in 4th house here:

  VIRGO ON THE CUSP / LIBRA INTERCEPTED: The critical tendencies of Virgo, which prevent the individual from accepting people and conditions ‘‘as is,” keep him from relating, sharing and cooperating successfully with others. The need for approval through service and doing everything one’s self and trying to do it perfectly prevents sharing and reciprocity. This combination makes the individual too critical (fear of failure or rejection) in some creative aspect of this House position.

In my searching, I found great info on this subject on Sky Maiden Musings, a blog I had not visited before, by an astrologer who I did not yet know.  I love her analogy about visiting other folks houses, which explains why Aries and Libra for example, feel restrained in their expression!  She also reminded me that interceptions occur because of geography.  When I look at the chart for this blog I see the difference in house sizes more exaggerated than usual and this too is caused by Earth's geography.  She also has a handy dandy listing of the sign and house interceptions, pairing them by polarity.

For example, for Aries and Libra, she writes:

Aries- Libra
Personality and personal freedoms polarize with the letter of the law and social obligations. The interplay here describes how we are our own lawgivers. Relationships provide an opportunity to reconcile. New states of consciousness in the ways we relate to others helps in the development of personal identity.
and for the 4th/ 10th house interceptions:

(Fourth and Tenth Houses)
Creating a peaceful and nurturing home environment while balancing career ambitions and responsibilities is the challenge here. Father and mother archetypes can pose blockages that are hard to understand or explain. A certain restlessness is present, surrounding either the home life or career. Its hard to say where ones roots really are. The typical dilemma of the overwhelmed working mom who wants it all is illustrated here.
And this is a huge reason why there has been no posting here; I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids, including a preschooler at home and a baby.  I want to do a lot of blogging, here and at the other 4 blogs I have started!  But, my children and having a well run and peaceful home are a priority which I fall short of and so must always attend to, rather than blogging!

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